


is an innovative multi-domain remote collaborative platform for the simulation-based design applications. The major value brought by Collaviz to the scientific and industrial community is to make remote analysis and collaboration easily available and scalable. Web-based technologies, on the top of shared high-performance computing and visualization centers, will permit researchers and engineers handling very large data sets, including 3D data models, by using a single workstation, wherever in the world. Just a “standard” internet connexion will be needed.


is a project which offers the study of an innovative platform of preview for the movie’s production with special effects. It also offers the harmonization of the tools and the information related to the preview throughout the production chain. The objective of PREVIZ is twofold: foster the artistic creativity and increase the productivity of the film making. The aim of the project is twofold: improve the productivity of the VFX’s content fabrication and boost the artistic creativity during the film shooting.


project aims to propose a set of scientific innovations in the field of industrial training (maintenance training, complex procedures, security, diagnostic, …) using Virtual Reality technologies.This project seeks to put in synergy a number of scientific axes:collaborative work that can handle representative complex scenarios of industrial training – Virtual Human for its ability to embody the user as an avatar and acting as a collaborator during training – communication between a real user and a virtual human acting as a colaborator – the evalutaion process that will offer a methodological framework allowing to review the contributions of the submitted innovative solutions.


is a European infrastructure for high level visualisation facilities that is open to research communities accross Europe ans around the world. Current scientific challenges such as climate evolution, environmental risks, molecular biology, health, and energy require the management of increasingly complex and voluminous information, thus calling for the development of ever more powerful visualisation methods and tools
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: Imagerie et InteRactions Multi-modales pour l’Archéologie Une collaboration SHS – STIC autour de cas réels d’étude – archéologues (CreAAH et Inrap) – chercheurs en informatique (IRISA / Centre Inria Rennes Bretagne Atlantique) – l’entreprise Image ET Objectifs :
– Proposer des méthodologies innovantes pour le patrimoine archéologique
     – Basée sur des technologies d’imagerie avancées (tomodensitométrie, µ-tomographie, lasergrammétrie, photogrammétrie…)
     – Restitutions 3D interactives physiques et virtuelles
          – Réalité virtuelle, augmentée, mixte
          – Impressions 3D complexes
          – Interactions tangibles
Présentation du projet IRMA PDF